> Virtual Reality (AR | VR | XR)

“Emotions – happiness, anger, jealousy… is the mind experiencing ‘presence’ in VR.”

– Clyde DeSouza

With this key area of my portfolio, I bring Best Practices and Optimization techniques.


Extended reality (XR) is the umbrella under which we find AR, VR, and MR technologies. These are the new realities.


  • Virtual Reality (VR) – Replaces (blocks) the users real world view with a completely digital surroundings. The input can vary, but generally includes at least 6 degrees of head tracking (positions & rotations). Typically the user wears goggles.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) – Layers computer generated imagery on top of the users view of the real world. Typically the user looks through a mobile phone’s live camera feed or the user wears Ar glasses. The included software may rely on SLAM.
  • Mixed Reality (MR) – Blends AR and VR concepts into the user’s environment. Think of a 3D tooltips hovering over real world objects that respect the position, scale, and movement of the objects.



Here are great starting points for your next project.

Augmented Reality

Augmented technology, including Niantic Lightship, opens up powerful opportunities in Unity by integrating advanced spatial mapping and real-time interactions with the physical world. With Lightship, developers can create AR experiences that anchor digital objects in real-world environments, such as interactive games, educational tools, or location-based applications.

Virtual Reality

VR gaming systems generate realistic sensations that simulate users’ physical presence in a computer-generated environment. The goal of VR gaming systems is to let users believe they inhabit a virtual world. Sam is growing his interest and experience in VR and AR.

VR Presentation

Virtual Reality dev in Unity offers an immersive platform for creating interactive and engaging experiences. Here is a great overview.

VR Portfolio

The Cosmic Flow Project

I collaborated with the creators of Cosmic Flow: A Relaxing VR experience. Our prototyping updated the architectural approach, using my custom Mini MVCS framework, to aid in scalability & maintainability.

The MVRG Project

Together with a dedicated R&D team, I created a new proof-of-concept with Unity Multiplayer and my custom Mini MVCS framework.

What’s Next?

This area of my expertise is particularly exciting, and I enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest advancements.

I’m continually learning and applying new knowledge to make a greater impact on my projects.

Contact me regarding new opportunities that align with my skills and experience.