> Prototyping

“The more you plan, the more time you have.”
– H. Ford

Here is more of my game development portfolio.

Prototyping is an essential step in game development that allows for quick testing of ideas, mechanics, and design concepts before full-scale production.

Prototyping identifies potential challenges early, refines gameplay, and improve overall quality with minimal cost and time investment.

My experience in prototyping ensures I can rapidly create and iterate on game concepts to “find the fun” in the the best version of an idea, whether it’s a gameplay mechanic, narrative element, or technical feature.

Funnel – From “Prototyping Presentation” Below

Prototyping Template Project

GitHub Repo


  • Version Control Setup
  • Practical C# Coding Templates
  • Scalable Project Structure
  • Unity Inspector Readme
  • Optimized Build Settings
  • Lightweight Starter Scene

Prototyping Best Practices

Articles & Videos

  • Best Practices For Games – Adhering to coding standards in game development ensures consistency and readability across the codebase, making it easier for teams to collaborate effectively. This is vital from ideation and prototyping through to game launch and liveops.


  • Project
    • Version Control
    • Latest LTS
    • IL2CPP
    • Enter Playmode Options
  • Structure
    • Addressables
    • Scenes vs Prefabs
    • ScriptableObjects
  • Packages
    • Async/Await
    • Localization
    • Input System
    • UI Toolkit
  • Workflow
    • “Any Scene” Bootstrap
    • Automated Builds
    • Automated Tests

Prototyping Presentation

What’s Next?

Recognizing the redefinition of this area of tech, research is ongoing.

Please contact me to discuss any remote, contract opportunities that may be a good fit.