> Software Architecture

“We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.”
– Marshall McLuhan

Here is more of my Unity game development portfolio.


Welcome to my Unity development resource hub! Here, you’ll find a collection of articles, downloads, and videos designed to help you build scalable and maintainable games using Unity’s powerful suite of tools. Whether you’re diving into game architectures, refining your C# coding standards, or structuring your projects for success, these resources offer valuable insights and best practices.

Explore my custom MVC Architecture framework tailored for Unity and Godot games, kickstart your projects with a robust template, or revisit legacy packages. Don’t forget to check out my video playlist for additional tutorials and demonstrations.

Architecture Articles

Architecture Downloads

Architecture Videos

What’s Next?

This area of my expertise is particularly exciting, and I enjoy staying up-to-date with the latest advancements. I’m continually learning and applying new knowledge to make a greater impact on my projects.

Feel free to contact me regarding remote, contract opportunities that align with my skills and experience.